A Big Thank You

11 Aug 2016

Home » A Big Thank You

005You’ll have noticed the new building is approaching completion. It was truely a team effort and thanks are due to the following – any I have missed is only because of poor memory.

Paul Fowler – Deeds and site maps

Richard (Spitting Image) Bennet – cash flow forecasts

Nigel Lassiter – Planning site drawings and planning submissions

David Brown – MT plan and electrical fitting

Roger Andrews – Glider workshop plan and fit out

Dave Crowson – Caravan park re-jig and MT shed fit-out and electricals

Matt Cook, Geoff Daley, Steve Rudge – electrical fittings

Steve Alexander – Providing heating system

Contractors – Alan Walker and Richard Hughes – for chucking in a lot of freebies and being flexible

The Committee – for backing it and paying the club’s bit

Others whom I may have missed……….

regards…..Dave W
