Chairman’s Blog June 20th 2019

20 Jun 2019

Home » Chairman’s Blog June 20th 2019

Hello everyone.
So I was at the club today, sadly not to fly but to do some fettling on the glider, but was delighted to see some normal summer weather with a nice westerly wind, lots of good cumulus and lots of people.  Shrewsbury School were there with Paul Fowler and Nigel Lassitter, the usual suspects with their privately owned gliders and a lot of paragliders from the RAF who were attending the LMSC site for a competition but were thwarted by the slightly stronger winds than they needed.  Really good to see the club so busy again.  Tomorrow looks at least as good as today.  I’ll be there.  You should be too, so cash in some of those brownie points and go flying.

Your duty teams this weekend are:
Saturday:  Neal Clements (No 1), Guy Hartland (winch), Charles Page (LD).  We are, at very short notice, short of a No 2 so if you are available please let the office know asap.
Sunday:  Mark Sanders (no 1), Guy Hartland (winch), Dave Cole (LD).  We are also without a No 2 for this day too so same applies.

A big thank you
to Dawn and Guy Hartland, with help from Tim Brunskill and Martin McCurdie, who have stripped, polished and refurbished the floors, wall panelling and benches in the quiet room and the dining area.  A brilliant job in record time to minimise the disruption.  It all looks terrific so a huge thank you from the rest of us.

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The broken Vitara is fixed
thanks to Julian Fack.  It seems that the gearbox is not broken as thought, but that someone had managed to select both high and low gear ratios simultaneously, which must have taken considerable effort.  We rely on the ground vehicles to keep the operation running smoothly and we spend enough money as it is keeping them running, money that could be spent on upgrading the fleet, without them being made unserviceable by careless operation.  If you don’t know how to operate them properly, ask someone who does.

The second edition of the new newsletter was published this morning.  If you are a member and haven’t received your PDF copy please check with the office that we have your current email address.

Enjoy the good weather and happy landings
Jon Hall
