Chairman’s Blog Thursday 5th September 2019

05 Sep 2019

Home » Chairman’s Blog Thursday 5th September 2019

Hello everyone
I have spent a lot of the last week doing stuff related to the two major events happening next year, namely the Vintage Glider Club National Rally and the Wenlock Olympian Games – Gliding.  For those that are not yet aware the VGC Rally, for any vintage or classic glider, will take place at the Mynd from 23rd of May to 30th May and the Olympian event, a proper competition with Olympian Gold, Silver and Bronze medals at stake, will take place from 13th to 17th of July.  One of the things that has become very clear is how many people it takes to organise and run such events.  Just looking at the Olympian we will require: Director, Deputy Director, Met person, Task Setter, Safety Officer, Duty Instructors, Launch Directors, Launch Point Marshalls, Winch Drivers, Tug Drivers, Bar Staff, Help in the Kitchen, plus help to clear and tidy the site, help to marshall visitors, organise evening events and guest appearances from people like the modellers etc etc etc.  So I will be looking for volunteers for both events but mainly for the Olympian.  If we get enough offers of help there is no need for anyone to do more than one or two days or even parts of days.  But I need lots of offers so that we can schedule times and days for all the roles and jobs.  There are many members who regularly and unselfishly help out doing all kinds aof thigs around the club but I am hoping that some of our new members will not bfeel shy about coming forward and helping out.  The planning has already started; John Randle is doing a lot of the on the ground organisation and I shall be Directing the Olympian.  If you can spare a few days or even a few hours for either event please let me know  as soon as possible so I can draw up a schedule and allocate jobs to names.  It is really important that we host events such as these to raise the the profile of the club which attracts new members, visitors and financial support from various grant giving bodies.
Olympian 2020 Poster A4

Your duty teams this weekend are:
Saturday:  Guy Hartland (No 1), William Brewis (No 2), Simon Adlard (winch), Liz Adlard (LD)
Sunday:  Guy Hartland (No 1), Gave D’Arcy (TLs), Simon Adlard (winch), Dave Cole (LD)

Next Week
Is course no 11 run by Dave Crowson. The last of the courses for this year starts on 23rd September run by Rob Hanks.   The courses have been very successful this year.  We have sold more course places and frankly made more revenue than for some time.  This is important to the club as we rely on revenue from the courses to help pay for our professional instructors and winch driver and to make it possible for us to offer seven day a week opening throughout the summer.  And of course we have limited weekday opening throughout the winter as well.  Both  are benefits that many other clubs across the country are unable to offer.

Happy landings
Jon Hall
