Chair’s Thursday Blog

29 Sep 2016

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future and give you highlights of the last week and tell you the results of last week’s committee meeting.

New Members

Welcome to new members Alfred Yeoward (junior) and George Wilson (full).  Please do ensure you introduce yourselves and guide them through our activities and ensure they get lots of flying and ground work.

Launch directors

We had a volunteer from the last call but it still isn’t enough.  This vital job is falling on too few volunteers.  To alleviate the situation we will be inviting members on an individual basis to help out.  The more that volunteer the less onerous it will be.  It can be an extremely satisfying day and don’t forget you get priority flying!

Last week:

Another good week at Llanbedr though the weather was somewhat different from the March expedition with very little wave apparent this time.  However the team flew on almost every day and had the chance to learn more about flying in Snowdonia in different wind directions.  3 Duos went from the Mynd with Mike, Phil, Allen, Nigel, Geoff, Martin and Jon.  They struggled with some very weak southerly wave on one day, had a good thermal day with south westerly winds, soared the ridges in a westerly, explored the Barmouth ridge and slope soared Snowdon.  The mountain soaring skills learned in Jaca served us well as it is very similar, just several thousand feet lower down and nowhere near as far away.  There are rumours of another expedition opportunity with Talgarth at the end of October.  Grateful thanks to the London Gliding Club (Dunstable) for allowing us to join their trip and for their warm and friendly hospitality.

Here at the Mynd we had fabulous wave yesterday, flights to 16 000!

Weekend outlook:

The weather looks ok with a possibility of a nice westerly

Your team this weekend is Mark Sanders, Alasdair Lewis, Dave D’arcy and Glyn Macarthur Peter Orchard.

Forthcoming events:

Half term for Juniors

Just a reminder

The Club will be running  a non-residential course during half term in October (24th to 28th) for junior members of the Club.  There will be lots of flying if the weather is good, and briefings and lectures if not, but October weather often brings westerly winds with ridge soaring and wave, and even the odd thermal. This will be a great opportunity to have some concentrated flying training to prepare you for going solo, that once in a lifetime moment!

If you are interested, please call or email the office to book a place.  You can join the course just for one day or all five.

You will need to arrange transport (a lift may be available from Church Stretton mornings and evenings) plus food.

If you are under 18 years, the consent of a parent or guardian is required.


Bonfire night

Coming up very soon, please reserve the 5th of November in your diary.  This is always a fantastic evening but this year it is going to be spectacular.   The office is now ready to accept donations for the fireworks.  Denise Hughes is coordinating the evening entertainment and refreshments so please let her know if you can help out.

Christmas dinner

Please don’t forget to put December the 10th into your diary for this wonderful evening.  More details will follow but please get the date secured now.


We have chosen the calendar photos now, as soon as they are printed I will let you know.


Winter lectures

We have a firm booking with Hugh Browning on the 4th of March and Pete Harvey the Chair of the BGA has kindly volunteered.  Please liaise with Denise Hughes if you have any ideas of speakers.  The more the merrier,  these lectures help keep us active over the Winter.


Bar owner

I haven’t had a rush of volunteers for the above,  it is not a particularly onerous position but nonetheless it is important.  If you feel you could help us out please drop me an email at the address below.

