Hi everyone, this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.
This week
Congratulations to Guy Hartland who has become a full cat instructor.
Our instructor cohort is vital to our future and our CFI is working hard to progress people through. If you are approached please try to respond positively. One of the major benefits is that it keeps you current so you can take advantage of any day you choose to fly.
Autumn projects
One of our major projects this Winter will be the refurbishing of the club trailers in our super heated MT workshop, if you can help then please do let Dave know and we will schedule some dates.
Your team this weekend is:
Saturday: Neal Clements, Alan Swan, Peter Orchard, Dave d’Arcy
Sunday: Guy Hartland, Peter Orchard, Jon Hall
Forthcoming events
Your Club needs you – can you help on October 5-7?
As part of the club’s continuing recruitment drive we will be taking a stand again at the Oktoberfest in Shrewsbury. It runs from 5th-7th October and we will be taking a glider. It was great fun last year and we gained a substantial number of new members, enquiries and trial lessons.
This is a call for volunteers to help out on that weekend! If you can help at all, (even for a few hours), please can you let Sarah know asap on marketing@midlandgliding.club or 07754070357. Many thanks!
Andy Holmes Birthday
Please don’t forget we will be celebrating Andy’s birthday with him this weekend. For those of you who don’t know Andy he was introduced to gliding at the Mynd from a very early age and has been a keen supporter of the club as he has climbed the BGA ladder and is now the winching advisor to the BGA as well as being a superb cross country pilot. I remember bringing some Venture Scouts up to the club and I told them to do whatever Andy said because he was the most experienced and capable member in the club even though he was the same age.
Winter Lectures and Instructor meetings
October the 13th has been trumped by an instructor meeting (it is a flying club after all). So we are trying to move it to the 20th. We will publish a fuller list next week.
Just a reminder that instructor meetings take place on the second Saturday of even numbered months so will all instructors please put these into their diaries.