Chair’s Thursday blog

20 Sep 2018

Home » Chair’s Thursday blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.

This week

A great weekend was had by all, in celebration of Andy Holmes’ 40th birthday. There was lots of great flying and two evenings of wonderful food (thank you to Fay and the team) and superb musical entertainment from the resident Mynd band and from The Rogues. Brilliant to see so many friends old and new, including a collection of the world’s best winch drivers. A welcome return of a proper Mynd party!

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The tail end of hurricane Ali has been visiting us this week, so it’s been a week of mixed weather combined with battening down the hatches.

Autumn projects

One of our major projects this Winter will be the refurbishing of the club trailers in our super heated MT workshop. If you can help then please do let Dave Crowson know and we will schedule some dates.

Your team this weekend is:

Saturday:  Guy Hartland, Walter Baumann, Geoff Dailey.

Sunday:  Paul Fowler, Charles Carter, Geoff Dailey.

It looks like we are short of a Launch Director on both days so if you’re around and can help out for a bit, I’m sure the team would appreciate it.

Forthcoming events

Oktoberfest Stand – One more person needed please – 5th, 6th or 7th October

As part of the club’s continuing recruitment drive we will be taking a stand again at the Oktoberfest in Shrewsbury. It runs from 5th-7th October and we will be taking a glider. It was great fun last year and we gained a substantial number of new members, enquiries and trial lessons.

This is a call for volunteers to help out on that weekend! If you can help at all, (even for a few hours), please can you let Sarah know asap on or 07754070357. Many thanks!

Read a leaflet

A number of members have been asking lately about the packages for new members that were introduced in the new year. There has not yet been a suitable opportunity for Sarah to do a quick pre-dinner chat to explain them, however in the meantime I would encourage everybody to read the Your Gliding Journey leaflet which can be found in the club as all the information and detail is in there. Details are also on the website under Learn to Fly section.

The aim is to ensure that if someone asks you about learning to glide, you are able to direct them to the most appropriate solution for them, which in a lot of cases is NOT simply a trial lesson. The general rule of thumb is:

  1. A) Wants a one-off / bucket list flight and has no interest in learning = Trial Lesson;
  2. B) Interested in LEARNING to fly = a Your Gliding Journey package (Intro to Gliding 1 or 2 day WEEKEND course, or Flying Start 40 launches package)

If you have questions on this, please do contact Sarah.

Entrance road

As we go into the Autumn season the road may start to take a hammering, so please do remember to drive slowly over it so that we can preserve the surface in as good a condition as possible.

Winter Lectures and Instructor meetings

October the 13th has been trumped by an instructor meeting (it is a flying club after all).  So we are trying to move it to the 20th.  We will publish a fuller list shortly.

Just a reminder that instructor meetings take place on the second Saturday of even numbered months so will all instructors please put these into their diaries. on behalf of

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