Chair’s Thursday Blog

20 Dec 2018

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future and the highlights from the last committee meeting.

This week

Christmas dinner and awards

We were very close  to cancelling this event  but using our superior weather forecasting abilities we correctly decided that the raging, freezing tempest would subside and so it did.  We had a wonderful evening, the kitchen did a fantastic job to serve us such a wonderful meal.  Peter Turner and Rob Shepherd amended the entertainment and the fund raising slightly and the results are below.

Social fund

We now have a substantial amount in the social fund.  This was set up to allow us to buy those things that the committee would spend months deliberating over because it isn’t in the strategic or operational plan.  So, for instance, we have bought the wonderful TV in the simulator room.  If you can think of a project that you would like considered by the social fund then please can you send your ideas to the Secretary who will pass them on.

Your team this weekend is:

Saturday:  Chris Alldis, Alan Swan, Peter Orchard, Laurent Couval

Sunday:  Nigel Lassetter, Matthew Coolk, Peter Orchard, Dave d’Arcy

Forthcoming events

Dates for Your 2019 Diary: –

Bronze Progress Courses

One of the outcomes from the recent members survey was a requirement from several respondents to facilitate progress from the post solo stage through to Bronze C.

In order to help these pilots progress through this, often frustrating, stage we will be running a series of “Bronze Progression Courses” over the following weekends: – 1st – 2nd March, 6th – 7th April and 18th – 19th May.

These mini courses will focus on progressing members through the Bronze C qualification. 

On those weekends where flying is possible we will brief the exercises then go out on to the flying field and fly them. On those weekends where flying is not possible we will run ground schools covering the requirements of the Bronze C exam subjects and also use the simulator to look at some the flying exercises.

The intention is to run these mini courses in addition to the club’s normal flying activities so they should not  impact too greatly on other members opportunities to fly.

Even if you’ve already got your Bronze C you might like to sit in on the briefings as an early season refresher?

If these mini courses prove to be popular and useful in overcoming the Bronze C hurdle then there is scope to add further dates later in the year, if the demand exists.

Other opportunities for pre-bronze pilots to progress will, of course, be afforded by “CFI’s Get Checked Week” (13th – 22nd April) and “Cross Country Development Week” (7th – 12th May).

Other dates to note are: –

Wood Week – (13th – 21st July) 

A week where we have a “Rally” style event, it’s all just good fun flying wooden gliders.

The week is run “Free Format” style with each days flying activities being dependent on the weather conditions. 

Traditionally we have seen many Bungee launches and local cross country tasks being flown.

NB: – Whilst we call this week “Wood Week” don’t think you’re excluded if you don’t have a wooden glider.  If it’s flyable come along and fly anyway, we do his for fun!

Simon’s Soaring Week (3rd-10th August)

This week is run by Simon to facilitate pilots improving their soaring skills.

The week is run “Free Format” style with each day’s flying activities tailored to the requirements of the individual pilots and the weather conditions.

Simon usually starts each day with a comprehensive weather briefing followed by a plan of the day’s flying activities.

If you already have a Bronze C and Cross Country Endorsement then you may well be set Cross Country tasks.

Otherwise local soaring tasks or speed building tasks can be set and flown.

This week is the ideal opportunity for Cross Country beginners to gain valuable knowledge and experience before venturing further afield.

Task Week – (17th – 25th August with Monday 26th August in reserve) 

The main objective of Task Week is to encourage and enable pilots to improve their Cross Country flying and introduce an element of competition to prepare pilots to move on to other, more formal, competitions if they wish to.

For 2019 the format will follow that which we have developed over the past couple of years: –

Entrants will be divided into classes by a pilots previous Cross Country experience and achievements. 

They will then compete against each other within those classes, on tasks devised specifically for each class. 

The overall result being decided by a pilot’s performance within their individual class. 

This approach puts everyone on an equal footing, so you don’t have to be a “red hot” cross country pilot flying a “rocketship” glider to win; you just need to consistently be well up the order in your class.

If you have not done much Cross Country Flying this is an ideal opportunity to stretch yourself – full briefings are given, Weather, Notams, Tasks, to make the whole experience as straight-forward and rewarding as possible; who knows maybe you’ll get a chance to fly with one of our experienced cross country pilots in a 2 seater.

Not to be missed for any pilot wishing to improve their Cross Country skills.

Call Martin now!

Get you name down for whichever of these activities best suits your plan for the year. 



Steve Male (CFI)

Winter Lectures

Our next lecture will be the National Trust on the 12th of January.  For an ancient hill things do move quickly and the trust always give us an inspirational and informative talk on what is one of our most precious resources: our location

The February lecture is still under construction, we wont know the exact date until after Christmas.


Negotiations are underway to return to LLanbedr for an expedition during to week 23rd to 30th March. This is an opportunity to fly over Snowdonia from an enormous airfield. If you are interested in bringing a glider along, or flying in a club 2 seater please email to express an interest. I will get back to interested parties once we have an idea how many people want to go and how much Llanbedr will charge us.

Last blog from the current chair

I instituted the weekly blog as an attempt to ensure that all of you were kept up to date as much as possible.  This will be my last one for you as I am standing down as chair.  Jon Hall intends to keep them running as we believe that the blog achieves its objective.   I do wish you a happy Christmas and wonderful soaring new year.

Highlights from the last committee meeting

Fleet: We authorised the Discus replacement team to enter into negotiations for a Junior

K23 trailer sale: we have a valuable asset in the old trailer for EVV, when we have the Junior we will evaluate how to capitalise on this.

Club ARCs: Roger has been instructed to get the ARCs for the club aircraft done as quickly as possible, we are anxious to have these fully completed before the 29th of March.

Radios:  the 8.33 change means we now have to switch the club aircraft over.  Simon will be ordering the robust radios to be fitted.




