Chair’s Thursday Blog

15 Feb 2018

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Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future and the highlights from last weeks committee meeting

This week.

Feb 10 Pilot Aware.  Electronic conspicuity. 

Roger Ellis gave us a stunning presentation on the above,  describing the current and future aspects of conspicuity and why we are trialling pilot aware in some of the club gliders.  This is an important topic and is going to become even more so.

Your team this weekend is:

Saturday:  Mark Sanders, Charles Carter, Geoff Dailey, Mike Dodwell

Sunday:  Mark Sanders, Charles Carter, Geoff Dailey, William Brewis

Forthcoming events

Membership renewals

As I write this I am staring at the thermals gathering over the horizon and it reminds me that very soon we will be enjoying our fantastic sport in warmer weather circling under booming cumulus.  In line with the wishes and views expressed by members at the members’ meetings over the past few months, the committee have been steadily improving our ability to forecast our finances further into the future with more accuracy. This gives us a much clearer picture, so that we can take sensible decisions for the long term benefit and health of the club. We can also set realistic budgets which take the full picture into account (our forecast reserves, and our desire to provide for new or upgraded assets).  With this in mind, at the December meeting the committee discussed the future finances and the continuing issue of having the ability to replace our important assets as they get older. We have limited reserves, which will not allow us to improve our situation massively at the moment.   The committee has concluded that a 3% increase in subscriptions and flying fees this year will enable us to improve our position. We are proposing similar increased for Associate memberships, Caravan pitch fees, and other Miscellaneous items. In addition we are proposing that the current generous discount in flying fees fees for Private Owners/Instructors/Overseas Members be reduced slightly.

The really good news is that we are proposing to keep the launch fees at their current rates, so there is NO change proposed this year for launch fees. So you can continue to fly your socks off and get into the air as much as possible.

CFI meeting

On the 11th of March we will be hosting the regional CFI’s meeting so there will be an army/flock/murder (delete collective noun as you see fit ) of CFI’s and examiners at the club that day.

Appleby ATC

A group of around 10 cadets from Appleby ATC plus staff will be making another visit to the Club on 24th and 25th this month. Another instructor to help out would be much appreciated. Please let Martin know if you can help on one or both days, or just part days.

Easter Junior Camp

The Club will be running an Easter Camp for junior members in the week commencing 9 April.  All junior members are welcome to join for just one day or all week.  Flying training and briefings will be given, and concentrated flying on opportunities like this is a sure way to make good progress.  If any junior member is interested, please book a place through the office.

As with coming along to the Club on any day, the consent of a parent or guardian is required and you will have to arrange transport.  If you want to stay at the Club overnight, please speak with the office about the special arrangements for this.

There will be no extra cost and you will just pay for whatever flying you do in the normal way plus food.

Winter talks

Denise has worked out a superb schedule for this winter’s lectures. They all start at 18:00 and if we have a speaker then we do ask for a small donation on the night to cover their expenses.  Book the date,  have a few flights, enjoy the talk then have a superb evening meal.

March 10 – Hugh Browning the BGA safety wizard.  Please ensure that this is in your diary.  For those of you who haven’t heard Hugh speak before it is essential listening and for those that have heard him before, even more so.  This is the perfect start to our season,  we want to keep safe and Hugh’s analysis and insight will help us do that

March 24

AGM and Christmas dinner – presentation evening.

Highlights from the last committee meeting:-

We have restructured the winch driving and engineering.  Skylaunch will mow maintain the winches.

The AGM will be on March 24th,  we desperately need a committee member to represent buildings.  all other committee members will be offering themselves for re election.

Our Junior definition is at variance to the BGA, we will amend ours to match.

The issues of medical recording have raised themselves again.  The CFI is going to construct a proposal after consultation.

General Data Protection Regulation comes into force in May.  The Secretary has a firm grip and we are on track for compliance.

The water tank in the hangar is very old and the plan to replace it has now started.

The club has been offered a proposal to purchase and run the motor glider.  The proposal will be taken to instructors and the general membership for consultation.

Health and safety:  We are continuing to improve all areas,  particularly those involved with sleeping accommodation

We have a new banner for the front gate encouraging new members

Finance: we have placed a deposit with Skylaunch for the new winch engine and paid for 2 lots of tarmac on the road.  All other spending is on track.

Fleet: the K8 is in for ARC the refurbished K13 wings are a great success.

MT: the Shogun clutch is slipping and a replacement pack will be ordered once the repair team is established.

Buildings:  we are moving on the “members” workshop using the old MT shed for the purpose.

Access Road:  we will have a “pothole” party for the areas of the road not tarmacked and suffering with potholes.

Fencing: Minton Batch fencing will commence as soon as the weather is suitable.
