Chair’s Thursday Blog

05 Jul 2018

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.

This week – The weather hasn’t been stellar for the school summer camp, however today is looking amazing. If you managed to get time off to fly today, remember to put your flight on the BGA ladder.

New road

Our new road is still holding up well despite the heat.  This is a most precious asset so please can you drive over it slowly to preserve it.

Your team this weekend is:

Saturday:   Guy Hartland, Dave D’Arcy

Sunday:  Roger Andrews, Matthew Cook, Guy Hartland, Mike Dodwell


Forthcoming events

Wood week – 7th – 14th July

Wood Week 2018 starts this Saturday. Do come up and join in the fun and flying.

TaskWeek poster 2018

Task week – 18th – 27th August Book your place NOW – please call or email the office asap.

Task Week is designed to encourage ALL pilots to fly Cross Country Tasks. As such, it is an inclusive activity, a bit of friendly competition – not an occasion for the club pundits to whizz round and take all the points!   It is the culmination of the year’s Cross Country Development Programme and introduces an element of competition prior to pilots flying either Rockpolishers or Regional competitions. It is open to any pilot holding a Bronze “C” with a Cross Country Endorsement.
We will also have 2 seat gliders participating, to give ALL pilots the opportunity to experience cross country flying, even if you are not yet solo, or don’t yet have your Cross Country Endorsement. This is an excellent training opportunity to fly with some top class cross country pilots in top class gliders. Please book your place ASAP by calling or emailing the office.

The event is split in to 3 classes so that pilots compete against other pilots of similar skill and experience level. This year we are introducing a new scoring system to try to even things out between the classes and to avoid the skewed results from a single fast flight on a long task.

Please book the week off, ensure this is in your diary, and lets look forward to some wonderful weather. It will help you develop our skills no matter what standard you are at. More info here.


Reviews please!

If you’ve visited us or flown with us then it would be really great if you could take a moment to pop over to Tripadvisor and give the club a quick review. Here is the link. NB: It is important for the integrity of our entry on the website, that people who have responsibility for running the club (committee members) or for delivering the service (staff members) do NOT do a review, as this is against the rules and Tripadvisor could remove our entry entirely!
