Hi everyone, this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.
This week
New Members
Jonathon Smith has joined us as a junior and young Louis Browne aged 15 yrs has been at the Club for the last few weeks. He was on a course and then liked it so much stayed on. He has made good progress, going solo and converting to the K8 and K23. Please make yourselves known to the juniors and ensure they are encouraged and leave the club wanting to return.
Electrics and our water supply
In addition to the fabulous flying and instruction at the Mynd, we also benefit from good facilities, and famous catering and hospitality. That does rely on such mundane services such as water, and most members will know that the Mynd has its own spring and off-grid water supply system. That system is in constant need of repair and maintenance, and in the background to the flying a number of jobs are being carried out to ensure its continued reliability. Steve Rudge has already done a brilliant job on the electrics in the West Ridge Water Pump House and Denise has been burying the main water supply line. The next major job, planned by Roger and Dave, is to replace the large water header tank, in the hangar and above the clubhouse East wall. It is a BIG job and because it requires the hangar to be completely empty it is best to do it in dry weather (i.e. summer / early autumn) so that the gliders can be emptied out onto the field.
Roger/Dave have not confirmed an exact date to do the work but please be aware that during the tank replacement, which will probably take 1-2 days, the potable water supply will be limited, although the water supply to the toilets will be maintained. Volunteers to help with the preparation, clearance, heavy lifting and other miscellaneous jobs will be welcome, and there is even a job for someone with just writing skills.
Please contact me if you are able to help, and we will communicate when the date is confirmed.
Task week – 18th – 27th August
So far the weather has been disappointing. Steve Male, Hazel Turner, Mark Sanders, Nigel Lassetter, Simon Adlard and Fay and Helen in the kitchen have still managed to create a fabulous week. The final meal will be on Sunday so please do come along and celebrate. Holly Harris had her first cross country in a Duo and despite her handicap (the P1) managed to come 3rd in the task. Despite it not being particularly taskable Roger Andrews has got everyone out of bed early each flyable day so members have still been able to fly.
Your team this weekend is:
Saturday: Clive Crocker, Neal Clements, Stephen Alexander, Glyn Macarthur
Sunday: Guy Hartland, Stephen Alexander, Charles Page
Even though it is still task week then please don’t hesitate to come along as even if it isn’t taskable, if its flyable we will be out there flying.
Forthcoming events
We have now prepared the Winter lecture series and the calendar for next year so as soon as they are available I will publish them.
Andy Holmes Birthday
Andy will be celebrating his 40th on the 15th of September and he has already issued an email to that effect. Just a reminder, we can only accommodate so many so if you would like to eat then please let Fay know in the kitchen as soon as you can.