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Home » Introductory Membership Links

Membership Has Benefits

If you have decided to take up the exhilarating sport of gliding, this is the best choice for you. It provides a one-day Introduction to Gliding and Membership course and a full year’s membership.

You get:

  • The same one-day course as Introduction to Gliding & Membership
  • A full year, 12 months, associate membership
  • 5 hours inclusive glider flying time.
  • 30 minutes inclusive motor glider time to practice and perfect your stick and rudder skills.
  • Associate member discounts on weekday professionally lead courses.
  • All other fees are at the prevailing membership rates.
  • After your Introductory Membership, membership and fees are at the prevailing rates.


Throughout the year but Introductory Courses take place on specific, dedicated, weekends.

Introductory Courses

Membership Benefits

Current prices

Prices for membership depend on where you live and prices for courses depend on the time of year and how many are on the course.
