MGC Weather Station Data
If you would like the data from the MGC's weather station, it is available via the Met Office Weather Observations Website. The data is in five minute intervals: -
- Air Temperature
- Wind Speed
- Wind Direction
LMSC webcam and weather station at Clatter
This is located on their SW site at Clatter.Wind strengths etc. will be pretty accurate in a southerly wind, possibly slightly less so in other directions.
Clatter web cam
Updated at 10 minute intervals.
Other sources of free weather information:
Click on the name of the page
- RASP (Regional Atmospheric Soaring Prediction) is one of the best resources. For an overview of the day go to ‘Spot Forecasts’, where it says ‘BGA Turning Point’, and select MYN (hitting the M key is the easiest way to find it). This will give you an overview of weather at the Mynd, including wind direction and strength, rain forecast and the ‘Star Rating’, which will give you an indication of how good the day is. This is the most important site for thermal prediction.
- The BBC Weather Page is a good place to start for an overview.
- Rain Today is good for predicting when rain will arrive, or any clearances ahead.
- XC Weather is a good site for predicting the wind strength and direction.
- Windyty is a look at global weather patterns, but you can zoom in to see local weather.
There are other very good sources which require a subscription, such as TopMeteo and SkySight