The weather is surely set to change soon(!!??), so with that in mind, now is a good time to make sure your Nav Toy is up-to-date for the new season.
The 2017 BGA TP List is now available. Details of the changes at:
The TPSelect program is a great way to access this data, and you can download it at:
This program automatically accesses the latest TP data, and outputs turning points in any format (including subsets for devices with limited capacity e.g. Garmin Pilot GPS) , and once installed you never need to visit another web address again.
Probably keeping airspace up to date is even more important and that is handled by a companion program called ASselect. Get it here …
This gives you choices for the optional output of ILS feathers, Glider Sector (e.g. Daventry Box), unlicenced Airfields to name but a few, and allows you to output in a format suitable for your own device.
I use them both and they work like a charm – Enjoy!