- Always close the main gate behind you
- Report first to the office on arrival
- Please read the signs
- Never go airside without a safety briefing
- Do not drive on the grass unless you are a member
- Do not bring dogs unless leashed, and report first to the office
- Animals are not allowed inside the clubhouse
- There is a 15 mph speed limit on all parts of the airfield
- No vehicles are allowed on any part of the airfield other than on designated roads and tracks, except for authorised club vehicles
- Gliders can launch from and land almost anywhere on the airfield. If unsure what is happening do not proceed, stop and ask someone
- In a vehicle have your side windows open and radio off so you can hear shouted instructions such as “STOP”
- Never drive in front of a glider at the launch point as it may be about to launch
- Never walk in front of the winches or moving gliders
- Parking is available behind the trailer line outside the club house or in the over-spill car park to the south of the caravan park
- Do not drive or park outside the hangar or workshop entrances or in front of the trailers
- All the buildings are non-smoking areas, especially the hangar and workshops, which contain flammable liquids
- If you hear an alarm whilst in the buildings proceed immediately to an assembly point