All of our weekend instructing is free to members, provided by trained volunteer instructors. They have all been trained following the British Gliding Associations prescribed programmes and operate under its and our own strict safety guidelines. We also employ two professional instructors to teach on the weekday professionally led courses. These weekday courses enable us to keep the club open for member flying seven days a week during the summer.

Winch Driving
All our launches are by winch using a retrieve winch system. We rarely do aerotow launches as we can winch launch to almost 3000 feet above sea level, enough for most people to set off cross country. This keeps the cost of a launch very low compared to aerotow sites. On professionally led courses the main winch driver is a member of staff but at weekends all winch drivers are volunteer members.

Team Working
It takes a minimum of five people to launch a glider, six if you include an instructor. Bungee launching can require as many as twelve. We can none of us get into the air without the help of others. Working together as a team is a valuable skill, especially for young people.

Taking Responsibility
Every time the hangar is emptied each glider is inspected and signed off as fit for flight. This is a responsible job as the safety of others is involved. We take safety very seriously, and expect every person at the club to take responsibility for their actions, and to watch out for the safety of others. Another valuable skill for everyone, especially for the young pilots.

Gliding is a very broad church, and our club is no different. We welcome members of all ages, from many different backgrounds and work experiences. Learning to get on with many different people is one of the most valuable life lessons we can offer.

Forward Planning
Every flight needs some element of forward planning, be it a launch and circuit or a five-hour flight across the country. We need to consider the weather, how it might change, what areas we cannot fly in, the best route to get where we want to go and any possible threats to a successful flight. Threat and error management is key to achieving our goals.

As one of the first gliding sites in the country, people have always travelled considerable distances to fly from the Long Mynd. We still have members who drive from Scotland, the South coast and East Anglia. For a long time, we have provided quality accommodation for members and visitors, especially for those attending our professionally led week-long courses. We have a caravan park for members and a camping area for visitors.

Because people stay with us in our accommodation, we provide quality day long catering from breakfast to evening meals. During the course season the catering is available every day, and usually on every flyable day during the winter.