I’ve been thinking for a while that the weather station wind readings weren’t accurate in light winds, and on Saturday, it was giving NE all day, even though the wind was gradually switching to the SW. Kicking the server didn’t help, and I finally realised that the weather vane was, basically, stuck. Kicking the pole didn’t help either. But the North Hill group, bored because they didn’t want to fly circuits, offered (well, insisted…) on helping. They brought out assorted engineers, car mechanics, consultants, grease monkeys, and others, and managed to empty a few cans of grease and other lubricants on the vane, and now it should be more accurate in light winds. We had to remove and replace the pole, and so recalibrate it for the direction, but I’m pretty sure it is accurate, though I’ll keep an eye on it over the next day or two.
Many thanks to North Hill for their help – much appreciated.