Weekend Weather Prospects

15 Sep 2017

Home Ā» Weekend Weather Prospects

Predictions are for light NNE winds and generally showery (which equals v. unstable) air-mass both days, which is good of course unless we are actually precipitated upon! Saturday seems the better of the two days, with a cloud base approaching 4k, perhaps. The weather models have us in the best area of the country (such that it is at this time of year), so it would be churlish really not to turn up and give it a go!

The exact predicted best area keeps changing, and is somewhat different depending on whose interpretation of GFS you are looking at, so I’ll keep my powder dry until tomorrow’s model runs before sticking my neck out with a task suggestion.

If it’s training / local soaring you’re after, it should present some viableĀ opportunities.

Maybe see you there.

